Magnetic Screen Door supply a wide range of sizes of easy to install magnetic door flyscreens.

The Premier Magnetic Flyscreen Door UK Supplier

All of the DIY magnetic screen door kits come with easy to follow instructions of how to professionally install the insect door screen. No experience needed.

If you are still not sure then please call us / email us and a member of our professional team will be able to help you.

magnetic screen door mesh


Magnetic Door Flyscreens For Homes & Business

Magnetic Screen Door remains true to its origin, providing only the best-in-class magnetic insect screens for all types of doors, with unparalleled finishing and fittings. As one of the leading brands in the industry,Magnetic Screen Door continues to raise the benchmark through quality improvement and product door screen innovations. Magnetic Screen Door have a wide range of quality door magnetic curtains to help you control pests in an environmentally friendly way.

No more ozone depleting sprays. Apart from keeping household pests out, screens also allow fresh air in to your house. Better ventilation while keeping the pests out. With many years experience in this industry, you can be rest assured of our quality workmanship and the durability of our door screening products. 



Unlike other cheap screens that come with only 18 magnets or less our screen door includes 26 strong and powerful magnets for the best seal and closure.



With a range of 17 set sized screen doors available – you still might have an odd shaped / size door! If that is the case …. we can provide you a custom sized magnetic screen door for any size and shape.


The screen door mesh openings are large enough to let air pass through to enjoy fresh air, yet small enough to keep even the smallest insects and bugs out, protecting your home and your family.


Give yourself, your family, and your treasured four-legged friends the convenience of easy entry and exit and a home filled with fresh air.


Constructed from durable heavy-duty mesh with a higher thread count than other cheap alternative screens and full reinforced edges to survive the test of time.


Magnetic screen door opens easily with just a nudge of a head or hand. The screen door’s middle seam is lined with powerful magnets that allow it to close seamlessly behind you like magic!
magnetic screen door patio
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the door screen company united kingdom
  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What makes a Magnetic Fly Screen Door different from traditional screen doors?

    Its magnetic closure system allows for hands-free passage and automatic closing, unlike traditional screen doors that may require manual operation and often don’t seal as effectively against insects.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Is it possible to repair a Magnetic Fly Screen Door if it gets damaged?

    Minor damages can often be repaired with DIY patch kits or by sewing, but significant damage may require replacement of the screen.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How effective is a Fly Door Screen Magnetic against all types of insects?

    Highly effective; the fine mesh and magnetic closure system prevent entry of flies, mosquitoes, and other insects, providing excellent protection.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How do I install a Fly Door Screen Magnetic?

    Installation is straightforward, typically involving adhesive strips or hook and loop fasteners to attach the screen to the door frame without tools.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are Fly Screens With Magnets For Doors durable?

    Made with high-quality mesh and strong magnets, these screens are designed for durability and long-term use, withstanding daily wear and tear.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can a Magnetic Fly Screen Door provide privacy?

    While primarily designed for insect protection and ventilation, the mesh can offer a degree of privacy during daylight hours.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are there thermal benefits to using Fly Screens With Magnets For Doors?

    By allowing natural ventilation, they can help cool your home naturally, reducing reliance on air conditioning and saving on energy costs.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can pets pass through a Magnetic Fly Screen Door?

    Absolutely, pets can easily push through the screen, which then closes magnetically behind them, making it pet-friendly.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Where can I find a Magnetic Fly Screen Door that fits unique door shapes?

    Custom solutions are available from certain suppliers who can tailor the screen to fit unique or non-standard door shapes, ensuring a perfect fit for any doorway.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How quick is the setup process for a Fly Door Screen Magnetic?

    Setup is quick and easy, often taking less than 15 minutes to attach to the door frame without the need for special tools or skills.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can children use a Magnetic Fly Screen Door safely?

    Yes, its hands-free operation and soft mesh make it safe for children to pass through without the risk of injury.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How do I measure my door for a Fly Door Screen Magnetic?

    Measure the height and width of your door frame and compare it with the product specifications to ensure a proper fit.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can a Magnetic Fly Screen Door be installed on any door type?

    Yes, they are versatile and can be adjusted or cut to fit various door sizes, including sliding, single, and double doors.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Do Magnetic Fly Screen Doors come with a warranty?

    Many manufacturers offer a warranty, covering defects in materials and craftsmanship, providing peace of mind to consumers.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can the magnets in a Fly Door Screen Magnetic weaken over time?

    High-quality magnetic screens are designed with strong magnets that maintain their magnetic force over time, ensuring the screen remains functional.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can I install a Fly Door Screen Magnetic on a metal door frame?

    Yes, with the use of adhesive strips or hook and loop fasteners included in the kit, it can be installed on metal frames without drilling.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How secure is a Fly Door Screen Magnetic against break-ins?

    While it enhances insect protection and ventilation, it’s not designed as a security measure against unauthorized entry.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How resistant is a Magnetic Fly Screen Door to tearing or damage?

    Many are made with durable mesh that resists tearing and damage from daily use, though care should be taken to avoid sharp objects or excessive force.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Do Fly Screens With Magnets For Doors obstruct the view?

    The mesh is designed to be transparent enough to not obstruct views while providing necessary protection against insects.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What sizes do Fly Screens With Magnets For Doors come in?

    They come in various standard sizes but can be trimmed during installation for a custom fit to any door frame.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are there different color options for a Magnetic Fly Screen Door?

    Typically available in neutral colors like black and white to blend with most decor styles, ensuring functionality without compromising on aesthetics.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What is a Magnetic Fly Screen Door?

    A Magnetic Fly Screen Door is a mesh barrier that attaches to door frames using magnets, allowing for hands-free entry and exit while keeping insects out.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What are the benefits of a Fly Door Screen Magnetic?

    Benefits include easy installation, convenience of walkthrough, improved air circulation, and effective insect protection without blocking light or views.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What is the lifespan of Fly Screens With Magnets For Doors?

    With proper care and minimal exposure to harsh weather, they can last several years, making them a cost-effective solution.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can I use a Magnetic Fly Screen Door on a balcony or patio door?

    Yes, they are perfect for balcony or patio doors, enhancing indoor-outdoor flow while keeping insects out.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How do Fly Screens With Magnets For Doors work?

    They work by creating a seal with magnets along the center and bottom, automatically closing after someone passes through to prevent insects from entering.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are there eco-friendly options for Fly Screens With Magnets For Doors?

    Yes, look for screens made from sustainable materials or those that contribute to reduced energy consumption by promoting natural cooling.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Is a Magnetic Fly Screen Door easy to clean?

    Yes, they can be easily removed for cleaning with soap and water, ensuring they remain effective and look good over time.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can the magnets in a Fly Door Screen Magnetic weaken over time?

    High-quality magnetic screens are designed with strong magnets that maintain their magnetic force over time, ensuring the screen remains functional.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How does wind affect a Magnetic Fly Screen Door?

    The bottom weights and magnetic closure help keep the screen in place during windy conditions, although very high winds might cause it to bulge or open slightly.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can a Magnetic Fly Screen Door be used year-round?

    While ideal for use in warmer months for ventilation, it can be removed and stored easily during colder seasons if not needed.

Welcome Fresh Air: Embrace the Convenience of a Magnetic Fly Screen Door

Upgrade your home’s ventilation and insect protection with the innovative Magnetic Fly Screen Door, also referred to as Fly Screens With Magnets For Doors or Fly Door Screen Magnetic. This ingenious solution offers a hassle-free way to keep pesky insects out while allowing fresh air to circulate freely throughout your living spaces. In this guide, we’ll delve into the benefits of incorporating a magnetic fly screen door into your home, providing both convenience and comfort for you and your family.

What is a Magnetic Fly Screen Door?

A Magnetic Fly Screen Door is a type of door screen equipped with magnetic strips along the edges, allowing the screen to seal automatically when not in use. This unique design eliminates the need for traditional fasteners or closures, making it easy to enter and exit your home while keeping insects out. Crafted from durable mesh materials, magnetic fly screen doors offer reliable insect protection without obstructing airflow or visibility.

Advantages of Fly Screens With Magnets For Doors

Investing in a Fly Screens With Magnets For Doors offers several advantages for homeowners:

  • Hands-Free Operation: The magnetic closure system allows for easy hands-free entry and exit, making it ideal for busy households and pets.
  • Effective Insect Protection: The tight seal created by the magnetic strips prevents insects from entering your home, ensuring a bug-free environment.
  • Enhanced Ventilation: Enjoy fresh air and improved airflow without compromising on insect control, thanks to the breathable mesh construction of magnetic fly screen doors.
  • Space-Saving Design: Unlike traditional screen doors that swing open and closed, magnetic fly screen doors occupy minimal space and can be easily installed in doorways of any size.

Benefits of a Fly Door Screen Magnetic

A Fly Door Screen Magnetic offers additional benefits tailored to your specific needs and preferences:

  • Versatile Installation: Magnetic fly screen doors can be installed on various types of doors, including single doors, French doors, sliding doors, and even RV doors.
  • Temporary Solution: Magnetic fly screen doors are perfect for renters or temporary living spaces, as they can be easily removed and reinstalled without leaving permanent marks or damage.
  • Customizable Fit: Many magnetic fly screen doors come with adjustable sizing options, allowing for a custom fit to your door frame for maximum effectiveness.

Embrace Convenience and Comfort with a Magnetic Fly Screen Door

A Magnetic Fly Screen Door offers a simple yet effective solution for enhancing ventilation and insect protection in your home. Whether you refer to it as a Fly Screens With Magnets For Doors or a Fly Door Screen Magnetic, this innovative home accessory provides convenience, comfort, and peace of mind for you and your family. Explore the possibilities and welcome fresh air into your home with the practicality and ease of a magnetic fly screen door.

Embrace the convenience and comfort of a Magnetic Fly Screen Door in your home. Whether you prefer to call it a Fly Screens With Magnets For Doors or a Fly Door Screen Magnetic, this innovative solution offers hassle-free insect protection and enhanced ventilation for your living spaces. Say goodbye to pesky bugs and hello to fresh air with the practicality and ease of a magnetic fly screen door.